Wednesday, November 17, 2021

I Am My Husband's Wife

I Am My Husband's Wife


Mrs. Sarchet

Then the Lord God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him."

~Genesis 2:18~

My husband and I were married a little over a year ago, and if one were to ask me what is the most important lesson I have learned in my marriage at this point, without hesitation I would state that I am my husband's wife. Before our marriage until now, I have been blessed to know many God fearing couples whose marriages have lasted decades and continue to go strong. These men and women have seen terrible hardship from death of parents, loss of children, declining health of the spouse, poverty, etc., and yet their dedication to the Lord and to their spouses endured.

In many respects, although I saw them endure, it was not until I was married and my husband and I had to deal with some life trials of our own that I truly began to understand why the couples I have seen are able to keep their vows. For me it was about understanding that God gave me to my husband and that in all the difficulty we had faced and in any future hardships I am called to love this one man until the end of our lives. When I say called to love, it is not as the world believes; an idea based on a constant happiness and mushy feelings, but it is to put my all into my marriage even on the days when I do not feel like it. I have to constantly lay aside myself for the good of my marriage, being the type of bride my husband needs me to be, and I do so with full recognition that my marriage is to be a reflection of God's glory and the love that Christ has for His bride the church. There is plenty of joy in my marriage, and because it is not found in self-centeredness it is a different joy than what the world has to offer. Each day I get the joy of waking up glorifying God and being my husband's wife.

A Case for Christians to Celebrate Halloween

It's the most controversial time of the year! That's right, my Christian brothers and sisters, it is time to battle with each other ...